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About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to be a leader in systems implementation, training and consulting to the health care industry and to provide automated solutions across all industry sectors.
Company Profile
Calimex USA Corporation, based in San Francisco, is a software technology leader in regulated custom software development and a systems integrator. Calimex provides specialized automated healthcare solutions designed to ensure the highest level of safety, security, efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency. Calimex manufactures software medical devices and owns several FDA 510 (k) approved applications. Our customers include BioBridge Global, Qualtex, South Texas Blood and Tissue Centers, Blood Bank of Hawaii, Vitalant, Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Centers and UCLA Children’s Hospital. Learn more at
The Bottom Line
Whether it is a hospital, a blood bank or a biotech company, it is the bottom line that counts. Our objective is to provide our customers the technology resources they need to maximize their return on investment. Our quality of service can be FDA compliant and can adhere to GAAS and GAAP standards.
Other Calimex Product
PICTUREID Picture-ID is a new biometrics, web services-based, blood donor identity verification software that incorporates donor self-administered electronic health history questionnaire. It positively verifies donor identity using Fingerprint, date of birth and gender and then matches the identified donor to their picture on file. Options to use State ID or Donor ID is included. Positively identified donors are allowed to edit their demographic data and are checked for visit eligibility.  Visit Picture-ID Website